
Our New Website is Launching Soon

We're excited to officially unveil our company and showcase the innovative solutions we've been working on. Mark your calendars and be among the first to experience the future of tech & software development, made in Bangladesh.

Who We Are   What We Do

About Us

Tech isn't just about pixels and code; it's about solving problems and empowering users.

Binary Crafters is more than just a software & tech company. We're a team of passionate innovators, hailing from the vibrant hub of Bangladesh, with a shared vision: to create impactful software solutions that empower businesses and individuals around the world. We believe that meaningful relationships are the foundation of successful collaborations. We work closely with our clients, taking the time to understand their specific needs and goals. This collaborative approach ensures that we deliver solutions that are not just technically sound, but also truly impactful.

Abir Hasan Samir

Founder, CEO & Lead Developer

Mohammad Ibnul Yeamin

Customer Support Manager

Sukanna Barua

Assistant Manager, Accounts & Finance


Our Services

Website Design

Unlock your digital potential. Craft a website that tells your story.

Software Development

Streamline, automate, dominate. We build apps that empower.

Digital Marketing

Outsmart the competition. Get ahead with data-driven digital strategies.

Server Management

Don't be a server hero. Let our pros handle the complexities.

Backup & Security

Safeguard your success, invest in backup & security.

IT Consultancy

Strategic IT guidance for thriving in the digital age.

Dummy News


Better User Interface

Sint commodo ut excepteur esse in dolor est pariatur minim aliqua esse incididunt minim amet exercitation.


Experts Web Design Tips

Exercitation velit dolor consequat enim veniam nulla dolor sunt laborum non magna ad veniam consequat minim.


Importance Of Web Design

Excepteur ut commodo incididunt ut in commodo voluptate anim do elit occaecat commodo ut ea sint sunt.


Avoid These Erros In UI Design

Occaecat dolor dolore ut ut sint deserunt dolore incididunt mollit anim magna fugiat et ex fugiat anim esse ea.


Make Mobile Website Faster

Lorem ipsum eiusmod eiusmod aliquip tempor duis in dolor id labore sed commodo magna qui quis dolor eu.


How Sell Digital Product

Veniam ut ex sed dolor eiusmod labore in enim elit fugiat eu proident minim ut cillum aliquip amet eiusmod.

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